Portfolio Details
Currancy Converter
For the Currency Value History project, I developed an interactive web application using JavaScript to track currency exchange rates over time. The application allows users to select from at least five different currencies, including U.S. Dollars, and specify both "from" and "to" dates to analyze the currency value changes within a selected time frame. Upon form submission, the app constructs a URL and retrieves historical currency data from the Polygon.io Forex API. Using the chart.js library, the app then visualizes the exchange rate data in a clear, dynamic graph, making it easy for users to see trends and fluctuations across different time periods.
To enhance user experience, I included form validation to ensure that all inputs, such as currency selection and dates, are completed before submitting the request. If any input is missing, an error message is displayed to guide the user. A Clear button resets the form, removes any previous error messages, and clears the displayed results, ensuring the interface is ready for a new search. This project was an excellent opportunity to strengthen my skills in AJAX, API integration, and data visualization, while creating a practical tool for tracking currency trends in a visually intuitive way.
Project Information
- Category Programming
- Client Bruce Bauer - UALR
- Project date 7 March, 2024
- Final Grade A
- Project URL www.currancyconverter.com
- Visit Website