Portfolio Details

Netflix Title Card Mockup
Title Card 1 Full
Title Card 2 Full

Netflix Title Card

For this project, I created a Netflix title card based on the book It Was What it Was: A Tale of the 1st Infantry Division in Iraq (2006-2008) by Daniel Pace, choosing to adapt the title for the card to Warrior's Odyssey: Iraq. The title card design incorporates a bold typographic lock-up that captures the intensity and depth of the book’s narrative. The title “Warrior’s” is given prominence to reflect the strength and resilience at the heart of the story, while “Odyssey: Iraq” provides context and builds intrigue. I selected typefaces with a strong, military-inspired feel, emphasizing the tough and heroic journey of soldiers during their time in Iraq.

The design features a carefully chosen, royalty-free image that complements the harsh and reflective themes of the book. The muted color palette, with earthy tones, reinforces the grim reality of war, while still creating an engaging and visually striking composition. I included the standard Netflix interface elements, such as the play button and “Add to My List” button, ensuring that the design integrates seamlessly into the Netflix platform. This project provided a meaningful way to visually interpret the powerful and personal story of the 1st Infantry Division, highlighting the resilience and bravery of those who served.

Project Information

  • Category Graphic Design
  • Client Mechelle Baker - UALR
  • Project Date 25 February, 2024
  • Final Grade A